Expert Advisor Coding
rfxsignals May 6, 2019 No Comments

Anyone investigating auto forex trading eventually encounters the exciting concept of having their favourite system or strategy coded up for them into a forex robot…

When it comes time to have that favourite strategy coded up, don’t think you have to do it all yourself…

There are several issues to be considered before you go ahead and have your favourite forex trading strategy made into an automated forex robot.You will have to consider your budget to begin with. Good forex coders can be found who are prepared to do the job for a reasonable price, and I give some examples below.On the other hand there are some pretty awful coders out there who charge exorbitant fees for buggy code, so ensure you do your homework before selecting a coder, as some will attempt to inflate the agreed price as work proceeds.Get everything in writing at the start!You will also want to consider the fact that it’s not just a simple matter of throwing an idea at a coder. More often than not the coder will require very specific and detailed instructions with regards to what you require.Let’s face it, all of us get great ideas from time to time, but not everyone can translate those ideas into clear, concise requirements.Lastly, unless it is a very simple piece of software, you will need to be prepared to engage in a series of software testing runs in order to debug and enhance the software program until it performs in an acceptable manner.So, got a great idea for an automated forex trading system of your own, but don’t know how to go about getting it automated? I have used the following service extensively. I have always found Jamey’s work to be of a very high standard, Jamey communicates continually and effectively throughout the project and has an excellent grasp of coding expert advisors and indicators:Advanced AnalyticsI also highly recommend Steve Norman N.B. I have no business affiliation with the above resources, they are mentioned for information purposes only.You can also use one of the online services such as Freelancer I have used them extensively in the past. There is a deal more work to be done posting a project on these sites and selecting a suitable coder, but you may wish to consider them for more options.Another approach to automation of your trading that you may wish to consider is Forex Managed Accounts.